I'm so excited! I finally figured out how to put the tabs in the blogs! I'm jumping up and down, I'm so happy! I love it that you can sort by "label" now. If you just want to look at Family photos and entires, click the Family Tab. If you want Little Cabin entries, click Little Cabin and if you just want to be updated on the Big Cabin, click New Too label. Isn't that fun? And if you want to read about Flora and Fauna, why just click that tab!
It is time for a Quiz!
What does Flora and Fauna refer to?
What does that mean?
Whoever has the correct answer in the comment section first, WINS!
And, of hey! If you want to see photos of northern Missouri, southern Iowa and/or the Amish, click on Neighbors!
I need a lesson!
doesn't it have something to do with flowers/plants?
Yes, Erica is right--flowers & plants.
Can we please see some pics with the brick on the front of the cabin? Dad swore it was on here but I dont see it!
Flora refers to Plants and Fauna refers to Animals.
What did I Win??
Señor El Coop
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