
Saturday, April 18, 2009

III, Three, Trinity

Land of Goshen. Halfway betwen Too and III. This little country church is Goshen Church and there used to be a little community here.
Three church windows.
Three historical signs.
It put me in mind of The Trinity.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.



Kristy said...

Neat picture. Don't you love homemade signs? Where's Goshen at? I know there's a Goshen out in Indiana-Amish country.

Nance said...

I have been to Goshen, Indiana -- or close to it. Goshen, Mo is about half way between Princeton and III. Right off highway 136.

Nance said...

oh shoot. Meant to say this on my last comment. Here is a very, very strange thing. When I wrote the entry for III, Three, Trinity . . . I ended it, "The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen". Amen will not publish. I have gone back 4 or 5 times and edited. The Amen is there. It just will NOT publish. Now is that weird, or what?

Kristy said...

That's extremely wierd. Let me try it, "AMEN".

Kristy said...

Oh, wait, you mean in your post!

Nance said...

Finally. I think it shows, now.