
Wednesday, February 11, 2009


We went to Shag III after it snowed to try out our new cross country skis for the first time. Herself has always wanted to do this so she forced me to also want to do it. Although the temp is about 40 degrees, there is still about 3 inches of snow with ice under the snow. We put our skis on, latched onto our ski poles, and carefully got up and slowly made our way up to where we thought it would be reasonably safe to slowly start our way back down. WELL, we got turned around and SLOWLY started back down towards the cabin. All went well until we tried to stop, and both of us went to the ground." WOW, that was fun" we said as we tried to pick ourselves up!! And back up we went, and back down we went. Then we tried one of our trails. This kind of had me worried, as the trails are narrow, and there would be alot of turning. WELL, there was no turning, we hadn't mastered that yet, we either had to fall, or crash into trees, both of which we did quite well.
SO, I can see that this might be fun someday, after my tailbone heals, and i'm sure once we master turning and stopping, it will be much safer. Thank goodness no one was taking movies of this. This is February 11, 2009. I've just heard we are supposed to get 6-8 inches of snow Friday, so we maybe heading down Saturday, depending on the weather, and try again. As long as we suffer no broken bones, all will be well.


Kristy said...

Would you please attach a GPS device to you, just in case you fall and can't get up?

Well, you and mom are certainly adventurous! I love to tell people about my wild and crazy folks.

Kristy said...

P.S. I see you wrote this 2 hours ago and it is 5p.m. now. Are you following in Erica's footsteps and goofing off at work?

Tracia said...

make sure you tell someone you'll be headed down so we all can be posted up in the trees with a video camera!! Craig said with some cherry bombs or your famous
M-80s, we'll see if you can get those skiis to turn then.