
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Too Step

These steps led quite the life at Too. They were the front steps. The steps with a tree branch for the hand rail. These steps saw a lot of coming and going over the years at Too. Thousands of firecrackers and fireflies. They were run up and down hundreds, probably thousands of times, by excited children. They held many an adult at the end of a long day, easing the load or enjoying cool evening air. They held folks eating hot dogs, sweet corn and best of all, watermelon. You sat out on the front steps so you could spit watermelon seeds and let the juice run down your arms.

Well, we screened the ol’ porch in at Too and Himself built a fine screen door for the porch but he only built one door, for one set of steps, and these old worn steps weren’t needed anymore at Too.
Oh, but wait! They were needed! They were needed at III!. At III we’ve always used two cement blocks and 2X6 boards for steps. The folks that built the cabin at III, didn’t take the time to build steps or didn't know how.

So rather than burn these old boards, we hauled them to III. We set the steps up against III’s porch and screwed them into place. Tho not level and not perfect, they work! They do the job.

PS: and the cement blocks and 2X6? Well, they have been recycled too. They are at the end of the porch so that when you are in a hurry to get to the outhouse, you can take a direct route.

1 comment:

Erica Jo said...

Clever title!