
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Priority List

Himself and I lolled about on Sunday. I trimmed up a few trees and found a new spot to which to move the outhouse. We have decided a new outhouse has to be moved up the priority list. At least a new outhouse hole, must be a priority.

So, I will dig the hole, lay down 4X4’s for a base and we'll scootch the outhouse over a few feet, atop the 4X4s. We'll staple wire to the bottom of the outhouse and 4X4s to keep creatures from chewing their way in and fill the old hole with dirt. In a few years, we'll have lovely flowers or a shrub growing and blooming there!

This "move" will be a temporary measure to give me time to build a new outhouse behind the cabin where I have had a hole started for a year or better. One thing about it, there's always next year -- the Lord willing and the creek don't rise . . . the other side

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