
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do or Do Without

Himself saves everything. Our new shower shelter is 1/2 pup tent from the Viet Nam era. We have packed it around for 35 years, through three states, four towns and six houses and have finally found a use for it. It is the shower "curtain" at III.

I was going to build a "stick" enclosure, 2-sided, tucked into the timber for a little privacy but as I was surveying the situation and making my plans, Himself decided to help. "Why do you even need an enclosure?" he asked. I do, I said. "Why don't we . . . this?", he said. "How about . . . that?", he asked so we compromised and strung the pup tent up between me and the world. I am satisfied for now. I will have a hot shower, a little privacy, a great view -- and finally a use for that tent! . . . the other side

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