
Wednesday, February 06, 2013


It is Feburary, 2013. The days are getting longer, and although the winter has not been to bad, we are looking forward to spring and getting to work at the cabin.
Hopefully this year will be a little easier on us, at least a little more relaxing.  We got all the drywall up, which after wiring, sewer, and water was a main  project to have gotten out of the way.  My goals for this year are:

1. Get the pine up on the living room walls
2. Put down flooring of some kind in living room
3. Move in
4. Finish spray foaming under cabin(joy)
5. Railing for porch
6. Plant a couple of pine trees
7. Do some landscaping
8. Think about another door from old cabin kitchen to new cabin steps
9. Think about dogtrot
10.Think about heating system
11.Think about finishing loft for the kids
12.Think about a tree house
13.Relax and drink a beer!!
14. Another beer, please

Of course this is all in addition to mowing the kids' lots, mowing our lot, maintain equipment, taking care of old cabin, and on and on.

But it willl hopefully keep us young!!