
Sunday, March 30, 2008

A place to investigate

It appears to me that a log lay covered by something. That log rotted out and left a void. The question becomes, what lay over that log? Could it have been a cabin roof? I need to go back and investigate!

The Cat came back

You may remember, last year I posted a photo where a big "kitty" had scratched a tree raw. Last fall we found another tree that had been scratched upon. Today, in addition to the one we found in the fall, there were two more scratched up. May have to put the game cam in this area.Speaking of the game camera, we have 270 photos on there since we last checked. So the game cam came home with us and Himself will take the memory card to work with him to see if there's actually "Game" in the pictures. We'll keep you posted!

Spring in the Timber

To see Spring this time of year in the timber, you have to get down and look close. She is small, shy and discreet, yet. In a few more weeks, she will be showy. She will flaunt her new new green finery -- but for now, Spring still is in disguise as Fall:

We rode the trails and cleared them, as needed. There was one good ice storm this winter, and maybe more. Several smaller trees had the tops broken out of them and there were plenty of limbs down, all sizes.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It is a maybe

Alrighty, then. It is March. We had snow fall just the other evening. The weather forecaster's are now saying that next weekend will be in the 50's and -- believe it or not -- there is no precipiation in the weekend forecast either! So, Maybe. Just Maybe, Himself and I will high tail it to III this weekend.

After all, the little Dutchmen's britches are probably blooming.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

February 15, 1941

Grandpa's Toolbox

Dale G. Hofmeister worked in an airplane factory in Kansas City during the early part of World War II. Grandpa and his partner were hotshots. They found ways to be more efficient and productive. They did Quality work. I sure wish I had written this down when your Grandpa told me about it so I could pass it on to you. For now, until I can find notes or can sit under a shade tree at III and dig around in my memory, you'll just have to accept that for what it is worth.

Himself has known this toolbox all his life, I imagine, as Grandpa made it in 1941. It says 1941 right on there. February 15, 1941. To show how life has changed in that time, Grandpa put his Social Security Number right there on top, to prove it was his toolbox and that he made it. Today, we'd put that Social Security Number inside the box and triple lock it!

The leather handle has come off but Himself and I think we can mend it well enough and put it back on to last another 30 years. So now, the toolbox is at Too but someday it will be at III. It will be a prized possesion at III. As was Dale G. Hofmeister, Prized and Priceless.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I read somewhere recently that the Bluebird will be starting to nest in southern Missouri this week but wonder if that can be true. We usually don't see Bluebirds in northern Mo until May. This little fella got his photo taken on May 12, 2007.

A Blue Bird must have to back pedal while entering the Bluebird house, more or less like an airplane putting on the reverse thrust, to stop. Now I'm not an aviator and know that isn't the proper terminology so I suppose, I'll have to go look it up. But this Bluebird is backpedaling!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The work begins, already

This little Hawthorne had struggled but we finally thought it was going to do okay. Then, an ice storm, broke it off this winter. Last weekend, Himself took the chainsaw and cleaned up after it.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Spring time in Missouri (hurry up!)

A week ago, at Too, with the day warming and the snow melting, Himself and I found buds. Amazed, we found them on the Bradford Pear and the little lilac. As I picked up sticks and dug around in the wild flower bed, I could see wee bits of green here and there.

We hope this last week of cold weather didn't "do them in". Should have been above freezing today and tomorrow too -- then we should be in for a real warming!

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Some foolish person had driven right across the small end of Twin Lake. Now, the temperature had risen and the ice was going out . . . but while it was still cold, they did. Drive right across.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Austin Hofmeister

Except for that d_ _ _ cedar tree, this would have been a great picture! Austin. The beginning of an era. Hofmeister, the second verse. Austin Hofmeister. The rest of the story.
But that cedar tree is blocking the cabin! Where is my axe?

Shagbark Too

this site has almost exclusively been about Shagbark III. With this winter, long and excessive as it has been, keeping us from III, I have to write so guess I have to write about Too!

Himself and I drove to Too Saturday morning. The forecasted temperatures lured us (60. 60! we couldn't wait; had to see for ourselves!) We were going to go to III but after seeing Too which actually has Gravel Roads (hoohah!) we knew we'd never get in the dirt road at III. Or if in, we'd never get up the dirt road and "out".

The roads into Too were the absolute worst we had seen there. Ruts, 8 or 10" deep, and full of slushing, muddy water. I drove back out to go to town and I dreaded meeting another vehicle for fear of getting too close to the soft shoulders and ending up in the ditch. But I made it out and back and learned a thing or two about driving in mud.

And one really surprising thing about mud and LJSJEEP. Himself can drive it muddy. Himself always has kept cars washed up and buffed but Himself can drive a muddy Jeep.